A Quick Guide to Value-Add Properties

A Quick Guide to Value-Add Properties

Value-add properties in real estate are assets that have yet to reach their full potential. These properties are unable to sell for their actual market value for a myriad of reasons, like poor management, expensive repair requirements, low demand, and so on. These...
3 Tips To Protect Your Assets As An Investor

3 Tips To Protect Your Assets As An Investor

A real estate investor is usually focused on how to make more money, but not many of them think about effectively protecting their assets, which is as important as generating income. No matter how many properties you own, it is good practice to always ensure that your...
5 more pieces of advice for real estate investors

5 more pieces of advice for real estate investors

Real estate investors must constantly adapt to the changing times. Amidst a global pandemic that is profoundly changing the economic outlook and the way to invest in properties, new strategies are proving effective in this new normality.  Whether you’re starting in...