3 Kinds Of Partners To Avoid In A Real Estate Deal

3 Kinds Of Partners To Avoid In A Real Estate Deal

“To partner or not to partner – that is the question.”  Whether you’ve done zero deals or 100 deals, if you are a one-man show, you will inevitably come to the point where you will ask yourself this question. Should I partner up? How you answer this question can be...
Investing 101: Multifamily Real estate

Investing 101: Multifamily Real estate

A multifamily property houses multiple families. Any residential property with more than one housing unit, each with its kitchen and bathroom, is considered a multifamily property. This is in contrast to single-family homes, which are properties that house one family....
Investing 101: Passive Income

Investing 101: Passive Income

Imagine if you could earn money simply by sitting back and doing nothing. Believe it or not, it’s something countless folks do every day. That money you earn with little to no effort is known as passive income, and it puts you on the fast track to financial...